Roy is available for bookings as a keynote speaker, leading conference breakout sessions and workshops, Q&A style live events and facilitating educational talks in schools.
Pafu Stories
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Submitted by Eric W.
I was driving a drunk friend home after a night out. I got pulled over by the police in the parking lot of my apt. One cop was older, the other a rookie. The older man asked if I was drinking. I replied to the affirmative. The young cop yelled at me "WHY ARE YOU...
Submitted by Jeff O.
This afternoon I pulled into the local post office. There are 8 spots and there were no customers except me in the parking area. I went in to check for mail in my P.O. Box, pulled the mail and went back to my car that was running… another car was pulled in behind me...
Story Credit: Jason Thien
I headed up to the 1st floor of Wisma Kosan Block A to get a bird's eye view of this rare style of parking. Its really funny and dumb at the same time till it deserves two slots in my photostream. Obviously the driver couldn't care much about the poor taxi next to it....
Contributed by Jeff O.
I sell jaguars and range rovers. The other day I was showing a customer from Rumson, NJ a 90,000 rr sport the options her car offered, when some 30 year old jack off on an old 10 speed bike stopped in front of us to yell out his alleged bad experience with Range...
I’ve told this story before, but I like telling it because fuck Tammy. I had a boss named Tammy. One night, we were all working late doing stocktake, and we were discussing the impending lunar eclipse. Someone asked what happens during an eclipse. Tammy grandly...
Contributed by Jeffrey L
“Waiter, there’s a mouse in my salad!”. These are not the words you want to hear if you are a waiter at a nice theme park restaurant. And, they are not the words you want to hear if you are a theme park attorney getting ready to tee off with your boss and your friend...
Contributed by Scott F.
I made an appointment with the Jeep dealership to have an oil change and replace a back tire that cannot be repaired. I made the appointment Monday of this week, I discussed exactly what I needed and the tire that needed to be replaced. I assumed having bought our...
Contributed by Steve N.
So this guy worked for us as an insurance sales representative for about a year and a half. He was a “smooth talker”, so while he could talk the talk, he could not walk the walk. Over the course of 18 or so months, he was able to write 2 accounts; one of those being...