professional speaking & Company culture Seminars
What do you do when a colleague’s behavior goes beyond what might be considered reasonable and acceptable? What do you say? How do you react? Uncomfortable just thinking about it? Book Roy as a speaker or seminar facilitator today!

Organizational Culture Training & Leadership Development
Soft skills and communication skills are among the top leadership competencies organizations are seeking to develop within their workforce going into 2023. Over his 44-years as an executive in the Hospitality industry with Marriott International, Roy has worked with many bosses and thousands of coworkers. He has witnessed every level and type of workplace behavior, and created development programs that increased workforce engagement and reduced turnover by over 65%. Today that method is called PAFU (People are F*cked Up). Roy literally wrote the book on how to manage detrimental workplace behavior and wasn’t shy about it.

People Are F*cked Up
Throughout his career Roy has developed a keen insight and understanding of how people say and do things that could be classified as annoying, irritating, illogical, and for all intents and purposes are… well you get the point. Get your copy now!
Assess the Culture
How would you describe your organizational culture? What are the behaviors effecting your goals?
Understand where your behavior fits within that cultural equation and noting where attention is needed.
Teach and educate your team so that you can promote expectations and effective communication.
Why Roy?
Roy retired from Marriott International after a 44 year career. Starting as a management trainee and eventually advancing to regional operations, then GM and ultimately to Area VP. Roy’s recognition of disruptive behaviors in the workplace and addressing them with candor, honesty and transparency helped lead his hotel in both associate engagement and turnover reduction. In just one year, Roy and his team increased associate engagement 11 points to 86% and reduced turnover from 27% to 9.3%. Each seminar or speaking engagement will cover Roy’s trademarked PAFU behavior and how to recognize, address, and correct annoying behaviors. It all makes for a fun, informative and surprisingly motivational presentation.